Chris, First and foremost Thank you. Especially for the selfless act of keeping this forum alive and going. I know it must be very difficult struggle for you with all of the other things you and Doug must have going on as well as the hard times you seem to have fallen on. Again, I say thank you.

Bat69 and Cliff…Thanks for your responses to this topic…I understand completely as I myself knew this was going in the direction none of us wanted it to really go. I too refrained from saying anything and even though I made a cursory glance at some of the postings it was indeed getting ugly. Thanks for being counted upon to stay on topic. This is why Doug’s website is so well regarded.

Years ago I was in training to become a police officer. One of the instructors made this comment to us in class one day.

“In the world today, there are as many views and opinions on firearms and knives as there are bread and chili recipes. All of which are undoubtedly, both good and bad. Such a discussion only leads to tempers flaring and insults slung. Telling a person which is better is like telling a person how to make love. Amongst polite people in any society, this is just NOT done.”

Now you know why I bit my tongue.


ASAP = Always Suspicious, Always Prepared