Criminals are a varied lot. Some do a logical cost-benefit analysis before acting, some don't. Some are so whacked out that they will leave your wallet, but eat your face. Crime deterrence by stand-your-ground legislation does not seem to be dramatic, if it exists at all. If the increased probability of an armed victim fails to discourage crime, it doesn't seem likely that talismans like door locks or video cams will do so. Compared to most of the world, we live in a fabulously safe country with excellent access to cheap, pure water. Nevertheless, we invest heavily in security systems and bottled water.
If we took the money we spent on ADT, Smith & Wesson, and Evian, and spent it on _______ (insert your least favorite liberal social justice program), we could do more good and less harm. Or maybe not, cause the social justice programs have not eliminated crime, either. Beats the heck out of me. YMMV.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.