Originally Posted By: Stephen

Unless the ladies don't wear shirts where you work. In that case let me know where it is and I will swing by to drop off a resume laugh

LOL! That wouldn't be pretty. wink

Originally Posted By: Stephen

I wonder has anyone used one for anything other than wiping sweat off themselves? Personally I think a pair of gloves would be much better to pack in a pocket if you insist on using the space.

I used mine this past weekend, actually, when one of my Cub Scouts got a gash on her leg at camp and my FAK was a little walk away. Grabbed by banadana and water bottle water and cleaned her right up. Put a little pressure on while someone else brought the kit. It wasn't bad enough to need to stitches, so far from an emergency, but it stopped the tears quickly.

Originally Posted By: Stephen
Hey, I just noticed you are from Ontario Jack. I just sold my house in Alberta and will be moving there in a few weeks. Maybe I will see you out on the trails.

Cool! Hopefully this heat wave will clear out before you get here. It's 45C with the humidex, or some such nonesense, right now.
Mom & Adventurer

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