Oops, one other thing that I should mention. You do not have to be diagnosed as "Diabetic" to have the instances of HYPOglycemia (low blood sugar) that we are discussing. "Diabetic" means that you have HYYPERglycemia (high blood sugar).

The cause of concern is that non-diabetic people who have such instances of low blood sugar seem to be at much higher risk to go one to develop full blown diabetes, which you don't want to do. So instances of low blood sugar could be seen as a warning sign that gives you a chance take action (e.g. diet modifications)to avoid something worse, specifically diabetes.

It sounds contradictory that low blood sugar could indicate potential diabetes, but to my mind, it is just a symptom that there is something going wrong with the automatic blood sugar regulatory system in the body, and when that breaks down, you end up with diabetes.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."