as i don't take my old car out of town in the winter all i expect is a wait by the side of the road for the tow truck to Minnesota with the engine not running and no heater that could be a cold wait and a long one if i'm not the only one off the road.
when we had that bitter winter a couple years ago i ran a post here of the propane camp stove i rigged up to keep the inside of the car warm--i got some "thats a bad idea" feedback and it was a sort of goofy idea brought on by hood high snow banks.
so i ran across this fine old Polaris Snowmobile suit for $1 at a yard sale.that with a big pair of boots,gloves and a head and face cover i should be ready.
after i had my Wife take the shot i asked what she thought of my winter survival kit.
her response---if the cops find that in the trunk they will think its a hold up kit----