OTOH,Most national parks are beautiful places,& to actually croak your carcass in one,by whatever means,has got to be better than say,getting flattened by a steam roller in Dumpwater,Delaware,Right?
I have recovered bodies from within National Parks, and from outdoor venues that were not National Parks. I doubt that locality makes any difference, although Grand Canyon does seem to be an intentional choice for many suicide victims. Some years ago the librarian at Grand Canyon, while on a solo hike, found a suicide victim hanging from a tree on the South Rim. Said she had finally found her man.
The main thing for me is the low incidence of animal attacks compared to the more common ways of dying - and that is all animal attacks, including honey bees. We obsess way too much about bears, although I would wager that if you are attacked by a bear, whether you are within or without a NP probably isn't very significant.