BacPac..Wow..i forgot about posting that!
its a LL Bean fishing thermometer.the idea is you take the temp of the first fish you get and then lower a depth gauge thermometer gizmo,i have one,to get the depth the fish are at.old method but when your on the canoe path you don't want to haul fish finders.i do hear they are smaller these days.
also it's used when fly fishing to check the water main use is just to see if it's really as cold as i think it is!!OMG 57 no wonder the tent is chilly tonight and of course i note temps in my trip log.the items on the white paper go in my shirt pockets.the plastic box with the red and green tape is the lunch crackers.the round box is fishing lures.the long thing next to the thermometer is a LED and i don't take that anymore,in fact i thought the boat/day bag was getting filled with too many odds and ends and some of those have gone into the possibles bag inside the pack and the water filter is carried in the packs side pouch.
June 5th i'll be out for two weeks solo!!!!