I don't carry hook end straps, too many horror store/photos from jeep forums.
I'd be interested in a synopsis of the issues with these kinds of straps.
Those are meant for towing not recovery, so the hook can break under stress and turn into high speed missile. There's a pic of one went through both front and rear windshield missing driver's head by inches. There's also story of a pickup with the hook coming through rear windshield, either seriously hurt or killed the driver's girlfriend who was in passenger seat.
Yep, what are generally known as "snatch" straps are somewhat elastic and use that property to their advantage in extracting a stuck vehicle. Not knowing the difference and using a non-elastic "tow" strap for tugging a vehicle out of being stuck can be very dangerous. They are not meant to be yanked on the way a snatch strap is.
Plus, their strength rating is generally a lot lower than a snatch strap. This is the same reason you generally don't want to use a winch cable for yanking on, just slow and steady pulling motion.
Same for aftermarket tow hooks, you have to be very careful to mount them properly. I've seen some that were just bolted onto the bumper. Mine bolt through the frame with large, grade-8 bolts, lock washers, and locknuts too. I believe strongly in redundancy.