I've actually had a conversation with some of my family about finding some discrete acreage outside of town to move to as a primary residence or 'cabin'. It would be enough for my family of 4 & my two parents if we stayed there long term. So the term 'compound' has been used, though not in any serious doomsday reasoning, just to denote that it would initially or eventually encompass more than one building, a primary residence for 4+, a secondary residence for 2+ and a large work shed and some out housing for components.

My primary considerations are at least 5 acres but prefer 10+, away from the road but not a hardship to get to town, a well for water, neighbors out of sight, would prefer grid hook up for power and sewer but able to run most of the utilities off natural gas, propane, solar and generator, basically not totally dependent on the grid if I can get around it. I'd like some of the acreage to be just trees for a many reasons one being a source of heat and fuel. A creek would be icing on the cake.

Its almost a given that DW will want some housing structure in place at point of sale, which is why I am looking at a current ranch or residence instead of starting from scratch. Fine by me it lessens the sting of staying there for weekends or weeks but would take to remodeling the house for low voltage lighting and gas utilities to keep grid energy use low. Set up solar power for the buildings and upgrade and create back up systems for the well in case the grid power goes out from storms and such. In my greatest dream, we'd have a several hundred gallon propane tank and modest sized tank for gas or diesel for genny's and equipment.

Next if not already there, a secondary residence for my folks or guests. Then a large work shed to accommodate my dads excessive amount of power tools, storage, a small area for my workout equipment and of course a general work area. In my mind this shed is between 750-1000 square feet with hopefully a partial loft above for more space. In my wildest dreams the property would come with a tractor with pulling, digging, moving attachments.

My vision also include the structures arranged in some sort of way that has a central commons area in the middle for a hanging out, a fire pit, BBQ, bench seating. A way to be out of the houses, comfortable and not worried about weeds, snakes, scorpions and all that stuff that creeps most people out in my neck of the country.

If we were able to actually live there full time, we would increase our modest square foot backyard garden to something much more substantive with possibly even a small greenhouse. A chicken coop, a goat, rabbits, would be great.

This all probably sounds crazy to some, sounds like a current home to others. It's in between for my family. My mom & DW both grew up on working farms/ranches so have always retained the working knowledge and principals. I grew up visiting ranches and farms, hunting and fishing, taking care of wild animals based on my fathers line of work. I would say I've become somewhat 'city-fied' and 'suburban-ized' but that means I have adapted to different surroundings from what I once was. Other than my current house and convenience of suburbia my family is not dependent on living in the city. If you think about it, once you are locked into whatever dwelling you live in right now, if you have the ability to watch some tv and get high speed internet, does it matter if your neighbor is the next door in the hallway or a quarter mile away? I guess it doesn't for us.

If this just becomes a dead end and all I am left with is bookmarks and blueprints for a dream that never comes true, so be it, the education to flesh out my vision will not be time wasted. And if ended up becoming a much smaller property with a getaway cabin on it with the potential of being more over several years, that would be fine as well. I/we would still be looking for the same considerations for privacy, power and water.

I don't think I would have the courage to even consider this if I didn't have the years of resources and threads I've read here on ETS (and other places), of people showing me this stuff can be done. I often don't understand the nuts and bolts of some conversations, like on solar power set ups and inverters and power set ups, but I try the best I can. This will be a long, slow process but just thought I'd write it down to get it off my chest. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Don't just survive. Thrive.