Many on here seem to prefer a tarp as survival and camping shelter. What is your preference and why?
I think this is one of those cases where the universal answer applies: It depends! Both have their place.
Tarps are wonderfully versatile, and can serve many purposes. One can rig them for a shelter, use them to protect gear, hypo-wrap an injured person, use as a ground cloth....the list goes on and on. They can be lighter and more compact than a tent. Their light weight, compactness, and versatility make them attractive to carry as a survival item. On the other hand, they aren't always the optimal solution for many of those tasks. As a shelter they don't provide the best protection from wind. They don't keep the bugs and creepy crawlies out. Etc.
A well designed tent, on the other hand is highly specialized as a shelter. As such, a tent does a superiour job of protecting from the elements. They keep out the bugs and creepy crawlies. A good tent can be faster to set up than rigging a tarp as a shelter. But being so specialized, tents are less versatile. They do one job, but they do it well.
If I am planning on camping, I will generally opt for a tent. The climate can be challenging in my part of the world, even in summer. Alaskan mosquitos are legendary (and the legends are true, I might add

). If weight is not too big an issue (for example when sea kayaking), I will often carry our tent
and a couple of tarps. One tarp gets rigged as a sort of porch in front of the tent, to provide a place to don or shed rain gear and muddy boots. The other tarp gets rigged some distance away as a cooking shelter, since in bear country it's a good idea to keep your food and cooking far from your tent!
Tarps and tents are just like other tools. Sometimes a Leatherman will do the trick, sometimes it's preferable to have a proper tool kit. It depends!