I like everything about titanium, except the price! I have a little Snow Peak "starter set" with a small Ti pot and a manual Snow Peak stove and it is one of my favorite setups for backpacking. I did get a super deal on it so I cannot complain about the price. The stove has been flawless and I have never overturned the pot while cooking.

I never "got" the Jet Boil. Seems too limiting, too pricy for a canister stove and really doesn't offer much advantage when cooking. There just wasn't anything that appealed to my wallet or my "gear freak" need to buy.

I really prefer a good white gas stove for all but the shortest of trips. More flexability and no empty canisters to haul.

I kinda have an attraction to the new MSR Micro Rocket but so far I have not given in to the urge to get one. I really like Jim's posts and blog. Keeps me informed on what is out there and how it really performs in the field.
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!