I did not want to hijack someone else's thread, so forgive me if there's already an existing topic. At Wal-Mart today, I decided to pick some up (finally!) and found myself torn between the only two varieties they had. I opted for the cheaper of the two because: 1. It was cheaper and 2. It claimed to do 5 more quarts of water than the more expensive type.

I didn't want to spend a lot of time in walmart trying to google the differences, so I just grabbed the Coleman brand with the two vials (the brownish/greenish box shown below).

I am hoping some of you might be able to tell me what the differences are between the two, and which of the two might be preferable (and why).

My guess is that the primary difference is that one is chlorine based where the other is iodine based....? But what are the implications either way?

I appreciate any insight. I will try to properly link the two specific products I was comparing, never done a link before so hopefully it works!

the one i got

the one i almost got
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

~Marion C. Garretty