If it wasn't for wanting to attract a mate, I'd be living a lot simpler than I do right now. Over the years, I've accumulated a lot of stuff just to make my feathers appear colorful and plentiful. I've done this both consciously and subconsciously. I don't really think about it unless it's brought up for discussion.

Some may suggest finding a simple girl. Well, simple girls have their own way of making things complicated. Consider, for example, the girl in the original post. At some point, she's going to need some serious medical attention for something. She'll have to go to a hospital with (God forbid) walls, clean linen, X-ray machines, CAT scan machines, etc. If she doesn't have medical insurance, then she will have to come out of pocket. She will have to go back to commuting to a corporation from the suburbs, or doing something similar. Or she'll have to find a sugar daddy if you don't already serve that role for her. At that point, it would be hypocritical for her to go back to a lifestyle of no walls and no electricity, or at least it would be hypocritical to look down at people who prefer these "luxuries".

Wow, I went off on a tagent, but that is how I see things here.
If you're reading this, it's too late.