For some reason, You Tube isn't working on my PC today, so you can please check this title on You Tube
( Hygienic Raw Living ).
And you can follow the other related video clips like ( Amy's visit part # ) ...etc.

Amy lives in Costa Rica a very simple life. Not only she walks barefoot ( here that Cody's ?? ) but she lives in a home that has no walls !!! Only floor and a roof . She also has minimal belongings.

I was going to call this thread ( We've found you a wife, Cody !!) ... But joking aside, Let's get philosophical here and explore the area between being prepared, and living a simpler life.

The reason, as I see it, is that sometimes being prepared is seen as (stockpiling lots of stuff) whether it is food, knives, or any gear that we define as "must have". However, we have seen in our lives many people who live with very little and seem to get by and survive.

It is very interesting that the homeless ( who live on very little ) are seen as a source of inspiration in some writings and some U-tube clips to learn about being prepared and learn to survive on very little. So how can we combine the philospohy of stockpiling stuff on one hand, and learning to live by very little on the other hand ?