Years ago I saw a TV news reporter's commentary in which he said that he had read of a man who had collapsed on the sidewalk in NYC, was taken to hospital, lived three days and died, all before he was identified and his family was notified. The reporter said he had taken to wearing his old army dog tags when he went running, so that he would not ever suffer the same fate. That got me thinking, especialy as in those days I did my jogging on the street.
I came up with a modern and improved variation on the dog tag solution. I signed up with the Medic Alert Foundation and filed my medical and contact info with their central registry. They sent me a stainless neck chain and medallion. Very lightweight, relatively small and inconspicuous, unless you are an EMT/PO looking for it, as they are trained to do with unconcious victims. The medallion has my name, blood type, emergency contact number, religion and some vital medical data. It also has my Medic Alert reistration number and their 24/7/365, "800" number. A call to them, with my reg. no. would give a hospital and police all relvant info, in case I was recovered unconcious.
Cheap insurance. I wear it all the time and update it periodically. If you buy the lifetime membership, updates are free.
Usual disclaimers and the Medic Alert foundation is a bona-fide not for profit corporation.
Edited by acropolis5 (03/28/12 04:55 PM)