Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
This may seem like a trivial question, but when building a PSK do you choose the items first or the container? The reason I ask is that no matter what activity I'm packing for (eg backpacking or camping trip, trip out of town, vacation, etc) I invariably stuff my pack/luggage completely full! The same applies to my FAKs & PSKs. Whatever pack I use will be filled to capacity. Often I'll toss in some extra items because, hey- I've got room!

It might seem pretty humorous to you folks, but to me it's something of a revelation: maybe I should decide what items I feel I need for the estimated level or risk, then choose a pack to accomodate said stuff. Brilliant or comically obvious? blush laugh

I travel for a living, and years ago when I first started out, I would pack my overnight duffle bag so full that you could hear the seams creaking, and an additional piece of paper would have caused catastrophic bag failure.

Now, with 20 years of experience and the wisdom that goes with it, I have analyzed each piece of clothing, all of my supplies and took out everything that is not absolutely essential to life itself.

Now I can still hear the seams creaking and an additional piece of paper will cause catastrophic bag failure....good luck my friend.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng