Originally Posted By: hikermor
Pretty soon there will be a formal medical description of ETS syndrome - the incessant and continual need to accumulate containers, mostly small pocket size, and stuff them full. I am a victim, and you guys are to blame!

I used to like be that, then suddenly I despised having everything in small PSK type tins and just started keeping the essentials in my pockets. Now I don't know how I ever liked the tin/container thing to begin with.

I guess it was kinda like a small hobby. I would spend hours fitting everything in a tin JUUUUUST right. Then dump it all out and take pictures of each layer so I wouldn't forget what was in the dammed thing, Then I would try it in a different way, or in a differernt tin,(insert hysterical laughter) then make another list because I forgot something, Then seal it with tape, then un-seal it because I forgot I could tape a sewing needle to the inside of the lid. I should have realised from an early stage that I would never get it right. It was just too dammed fun to keep trying.

In real world use however....Oh boy. I found it such and impractical pain in the a** that I just stopped doing it. Cold,wet and tired and trying to make everything fit back inside the tin after taking something out of it just wasn't as fun as it was at my work bench. Crap falling out, snow and rain getting inside, leaves, bending lids, Sigh........

As much as I hate PSKs just talking about it makes me want to try another one.