BTW, I understand that most of the details of the film are true to his actual experiences

Just a reminder to all : The link up there to an interview, NOT the film. In this program, he re-visits the scene of his survival incidence. IMO, it is worth seeing more than the film.

Indeed he has a steel will.
Just a month or two before his ordeal he was buried in an avalnche and survived. He never thought to quit his adventures. Even leaving his job at Intel ( great sallary and all) to be closer to ghis favorite adventure land shows what he is made of IMO. And still after his ordeal and being one-handed, he still climes and goes solo.

"cheating death again and again" often results in failure to cheat death eventually

I wish him the best of luck and many safe trips , but still wonder if it is wise for people to go into deep canyons ..etc. with almost no tools.

His story reminds me of an episde of ( I shouldn't be Alive) where a female marathon runner chooses a very deserted area for running ( very similar to Aron's canyon-land, and while she was running on the edge of a canyon, she slips and falls down several meters and breaks several bones ( hips ..etc.) and start to have internal hemorage (sp?) She was in a canyon in the middle of nowhere !! She didn't even have a dollar store knife on her !! Not that it would have made a difference , but come on !! Having tools may give you some options depending on the situation.

Here's a very short U-tube about it


A PLB would be useful in thse situations . But I would still wonder ( espcially about the runner girl) why is it that she has to be training in such remote area ??!!! I would even feel guilty about the dog if I was crippled by severe injury in such badlands.