Thank IlBob!

"I do not think weapons are part of your BOB. You should be carrying them as an EDC item if you think that is appropriate. There is no reason to expect that one will magically become proficient with a firearm or other weapon at a time of great stress."

AGREED. We don't own a gun yet. There are lots of reasons for that but let's leave it at "we're working up to it." DH grew up at the range (guns and archery) and DS and I are working up to it.

"I do not think weight is a big deal. I see no case where a BOB would be in use that I would be hoofing it through the woods on a backpacking jaunt, as many seem to see it. If you end up needing to hoof it, you can take a few minutes to sort through things and get rid of stuff that you can live without."


"Iam not too worried about food. People seem to obsess over it a lot, but it seems to me it is a fairly low priority item. Mostly a comfort item for a short term situation. I am not real worried about nutritionally balanced meals (whatever that means) for a day or two. "

AGREED -to a degree. If it was just DH and I, food wouldn't be a big issue for a few days, except in the winter when it's a good weapon against hypothermia. With an 8 year old in the mix, food becomes an important part of our psychological strategy. Consistency is crucial when it comes to kids, and gaining that through a meal in a high stress situation is worth the weight, space and time IMO.

Mom & Adventurer

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