Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
How many of you carry superglue in your FAK, PSK or EDC? This is making me seriously consider tucking a tube or two of the disposables back into my FAK or PSK. A multitool, some duct tape, a bit of wire, a needle & thread and some good glue will fix a helluva lot of things.

Do you folks carry glue in any of your EDC, PSK or FAKs?

I keep a standard sized unopened tube in my kit. I tape the top to the side of the tube to keep it from puncturing the foil seal in the standard position. I also have one of those little eyeglass repair kits with the mini screwdriver and extra screws.

The other items you listed are also in my kit. The 'usefulness to weight/cost ratio' is very favorable.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng