Originally Posted By: Arney
And I'll just throw this out since it hasn't come up yet, but if you or someone you regularly go to the range with is on some blood thinner (especially something prescription strength) then a clotting agent like kaolin may not help much. Something that doesn't rely on clotting factors, for example, something that uses chitosan, may be more appropriate if you really, really want something with a clotting agent. I haven't checked Hemcon in ages, but they may have something out now like QCG that civilians can purchase. They used to only sell band-aids with chitosan to civilians at one point.

Thank you, I didn't know this. There are a lot of older guys in the leagues where I'm an RSO. I won't try to dig in to anyone's medical history at the range, but I'll remember to buy ChitoGauze in the future.