Originally Posted By: ireckon

You're right. I meant WetFire is finicky. Tinder-Quik is just a waste of money, when cotton balls w/ PJ is better, has more uses, and is about 100 times less expensive.

I must admit that I love the stuff! blush grin I purchased a 100 ct bag on eBay for $20 or so shipped, not a bad price. It's treated someone and will light easily when wet. It burns for a good 2-3 minutes vs 5-10 seconds for untreated cotton. It's a lot more compact than cotton, too. Don't get me wrong, treated cotton balls are great tinder (PJ and wax are both great, and I've got some Gel-Wax that should rock, just haven't had a chance to try it out.

I'll certainly never try to convince anyone to use the stuff but I really find it useful.
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