Originally Posted By: Chisel
Signed up for an "extreme body shaping" class and have survived week 2 of 10 so far

Eric and all. Forgive me if I sound a a bit negative or alrmist. We have recently lost a colleague and loved friend when he was jogging. He ALWAYS pushed himself to the limit. He jogged and bicycled for 10-15 miles DAILY regardless of the weather. He got a heart problem a few years back and almost died. He recovered but this time it was the real thing.

Sorry , but I wanted you to be careful.
Visit a doctor before you do anything extreme.

No need to apologize.

Everyone should see a doctor regularly and check with them before starting a new workout program. I did check with my doctor and also checked out the workouts before starting. If you have known health issues you should pay even more attention to your choices regarding your health.

My doctor just recently cleared me to start more strenuous activities after an abdominal surgery last year. Well, actually, I was not only cleared but encouraged to do something to improve my fitness level and strengthen my abdominals. We discussed several options (running isn't an option for several reasons) before picking this one and I had a complete physical and full set of lab tests before starting. We also have a followup appointment scheduled 5 weeks into the program to see how things are going.

I have just finished week 4 and this has been a challenging and rewarding fitness class for me. It is focused at changing how you live and has a complete nutrition plan and a workout plan that combines aerobic kickboxing and resistance training. The instructors have been great and provide a good balance of motivation and encouragement.

I don't see the workouts as that extreme but they are challenging. I suspect the extreme refers to the mental and physical transformations that occur when you get a more balanced approach to nutrition and fitness in your life. The nutrition plan and workouts have had a noticeable impact during these four weeks. I have gotten a lot stronger (well, regained a lot of lost strength) and regained a reasonable level of endurance.

Thanks for sharing your concern and reminding all of us to make good, healthy decisions.

- Eric
You are never beaten until you admit it. - - General George S. Patton