Hi All. Hope you’ve been well. I thought that this 2012 prep goals thread would be a good one for me to try to boost my involvement in the forum again.

My first goal is to reorganize our supplies. With the recent departure of one of our teens (current usmc boot camp recruit), we now have an empty room. Converted to a man cave for the darling husband, I am claiming the decent size closet is as our “prep central”. Our gear and food supplies are currently scattered in whatever space is available, which drives me crazy. Plus, I’ve already lost two jars of my emergency peanut butter to the sweet teeth of my peanut butter cookie loving family. wink

Reorganizing will also consist of inventorying and rotating stock. Stock rotation is another goal, I need an actually system in place, instead of randomly assessing expiration dates whenever I get bored.

My goal for the weekend is to assemble our BOBs. I’ve had this project on the table for a year, and I AM going to get it done this weekend. I will also be creating my vehicle “get home” bag. The gear is ready, I just need to organize.

Family hiking trips, with our BOBs. Part of an overall fitness plan, this I hope will help us build some endurance. I realized this was important when I loaded up a backpack with a crapload of arms supplies for a record day at the range. That experience made me realize that we should really get used to carrying a LOT of weight.

Finally, I want to start learning some basic skills that could prove useful. I need to recertify for CPR, and I would like to find some sort of first aid (wilderness?) classes to take as well. There’s lots of other stuff I want to do, but this is getting long, so I'll restrain myself and stop here to spare you all!
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

~Marion C. Garretty