I'm no expert here either.

I've talked to various nurses who do wound care. They tell me that iodine (and swabs) is much too aggressive for use on human tissue. It can damage healthy tissue - which is not what you want to do with a wound. Alcohol is fine for cleaning skin, or cleaning skin surface around a wound (to remove outer contamination). You can do the old Clint Eastwood thing, and clean your "knife wounds" with whiskey if you want. It does kill bacteria. But it hurts a lot and is also aggressive on wounds. Remember to smoke a cigar if you want to add authenticity to the image.

By the way ...

Honey is good for minor scrapes. Works well. Use raw honey - esp. honey from bees in the mountains.

And open wounds (with flesh missing) can be packed with granulated sugar. Just straight sugar that you buy from the supermarket. Pour it right into the wound, then cover the surface with a povidone dressing (which keeps out unfriendly bacteria - but does not attack organisms inside the wound). The dry sugar absorbs water and creates an anaerobic condition that stops bacterial growth. Sugar dressings should be replaced every 4-6 hours after they become goopy (like syrup). That happens because body fluids soak into the wound site. Wash out the old sugar and replace with fresh dry sugar.
Sugar should not be used immediately on a bleeding wound because it can inhibit clotting.
The sugar treatment is one possible outdoors treatment, if no medical aid is close by and a wound needs to be stabilized against infection.


Edited by Pete (01/30/12 09:08 PM)