
I don't consider myself a Doomsday type, but I have concerns about certain issues combining in a domino effect with panic tipping the pot.

I am working towards a homestead that I will continuously strive toward making as sufficient as possible. Yes, I'll build in "retreat" aspects, including long-term storage; but, I want the entire effort to be a living, working farm & home.

For protection, I intend to be remote with a network of good neighbors in the whole community. I'm not being rosy-eyed, just optimistic. My own stead will be as protected as my experience & education can make it, but I don't want a fortress.

If nothing catastrophic occurs, then my children will inherit a sturdy home and good farm. They can turn it into an artists colony or fort or sell it. Or, it can be the family home through generations.

Sorry, think I went OT.

People don't like to be meddled with.
~River Tam