Originally Posted By: Chisel

This was quite interesting, but left me a little uncomfortable too. It appears that to be fully prepped for a year or more, you have to make a huge investment in money, and buy a place, or convert your home into a warehouse.

Some of the questions I have include

If a small group has a lot of food in an extended emergency:

!. How could they be sure that the marauders are anarchists and not the local government passing some 'ordinance' that requires them to share their food and enforce it?

2. What if the squatters on the farm were women with little children. Would you shoot them?

3. I think that having deliveries made at night is fruitless, as the neighbors will know what is going on. The house would be completely defenseless if attacked, even though the kids are trained with pistols.

My overall belief is that anyone can and should prep for short-term problems such as extended power outtages, weather, floods... The type of prep we see here in this video is for only a few with massive resources to draw on. IMO, the farm has the best chance of success, but a high chance of invasion. I do not think the suburban homes would be safe. The fallout shelter would also be attacked easily and the supplies stolen by blocking the trap door, and then all of the air vents.

The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng