Originally Posted By: samhain
And most importantly, practice telling the important people in your life that you love them every single day.

Indeed, whether you're five or ninety-five, you never know when your number is up.

Glad you're OK and there's no messy legal consequences. It's hard enough dealing with the psychological consequences. You never can tell what experiences will rattle a person and it's certainly not a sign of weakness. It's just another kind of trauma that takes time to heal.

Frequently role playing what-if's in your head is an excellent habit. Unfortunately, real life tends to catch us by surprise in ways that we never role played, which means we're still often surprised and shocked when something goes down. Maybe that's why your other job-related altercations don't bother you like this one--you were already mentally prepared for them and not caught as much off guard by them as this incident? Well, enough amateur therapy from me.

Again, glad you came through all right.