I'm happy to hear that you are ok and I hope that all it leaves you with in the weeks to come is some introspection. It sounds like as an employee of the hospital, you instinctively reacted to protect it by attempting to deny this person access. For that I applaud you.

At the same time, people sometimes overlook the safest option of all -- RETREAT. You may have simply been able to side step this guy without putting yourself in harm's way and allow the security inside to deal with him after raising the alarm. Distance can be your friend whether or not you are carrying a concealed weapon or not. Building distance from the treat should always be something you keep in mind if its an available option. It may not be if you are traveling with family or others are threatened.

Although I always hope a Good Samaritan is around if I need help, its important to weigh that willingness to help a fellow human being against the unknown threat.