I do not know if it will be helpful in my situation, after all I want to start with map reading to see if this is something I want to pursue, but a book I have my eye on is
Using Your GPS with the UTM Map Coordinate System by John Carnes.
http://www.amazon.com/Universal-Transver...8870&sr=1-1Jeanette Isabelle
As JBMat notes, it is much better to aquire a basic understanding of map and compass before moving on to GPS. Likewise, while the UTM grid system has some advantages in some situations, it is something to be learned after you have first learned the basics. (Also, note that not all maps are overlain with a full UTM grid.) I would strongly second the recommendation to start with the Kjellstrom book, or perhaps the Seidman book.
An even more important thing to do, which hikermor recommended, is to get a topo map of some area you visit, and spend some time using it. Being on the ground with map in hand is far and away the best method to learn. There is no substitute for walking over terrain and at the same time seeing how it is portrayed on the map. Any book is at best only a supplement to that, not a replacement.
Playing around out of doors with a map is also a lot of fun!