
"I've heard the snow-becomes-sand argument plenty times, and I think there is some merit to it, but I don't think skiing becomes totally unpractical. Forget about skis gliding like you see on winter sport TV and think more about it like a long and thin snow shoe that you move horizontal instead of lifting them. That is closer to what you do when skiing through virgin snow anyway, even at higher temps. "

I did not say it was impossible, just impractical. When you start trying to walk on skis, it is not moving horizontal you have to pick it up. Since the ski and binding was not designed to be lifted it becomes a LOT of work. Much more than using snow shoes. I have tried it and will go for the snow shoes any time. Yes, people have used skis to go a long way in very cold temps, they just had to work harder than was necessary. Modern light weight cross country skis might be less of a problem (I have not tried them in those temps.) although reports from friends indicate it is still a chore and you cannot wear -40 capable boots in the modern binding. I go for the warm.

