Go to the Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA) web site: http://www.wildmed.com/main.html and check out their courses. Built in to the courses are sections on equipment selection for wilderness conditions. I have had the opportunity to take a number of courses from them at one of the EMS conferences. The instructors were great and did cover the importance of selecting EMS equipment for remote areas and had most of the products on hand for us to play with and evaluate. The instructors were Rick Lipke of Conterra http://conterrastore.com/catalog.lasso and wrote the Technical Rescue Riggers Guide http://conterrastore.com/action.lasso?-d...se=detail.lasso and Jim Morrissey of WMA who wrote The Wilderness Medical Associates Field Guide http://conterrastore.com/action.lasso?-d...se=detail.lasso
