Originally Posted By: Glock-A-Roo
Update: powerful committee says there's no way to mitigate LightSquared's GPS spectrum interference. Without an(other) extraordinary political intervention, looks like they're sunk.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Apparently they're not so nice. Here's a link to a story where LightSquared blames everybody else.

Having personally run a number of sensitive testing programs for the federal government I can tell you it would be way beyond the norm for LS's accusations to be true. While the govt. often relies on independent industry test organizations like mine (because of both subject matter knowledge and testing expertise) they also make sure tests are run aboveboard. One test doesn't make a career so folks have incentive to get it right. Ask Doug Ritter, he's done a few himself.
In a crisis one does not rise to one's level of expectations but rather falls to one's level of training.