I was just looking at the BBC news report and photo's of the sunken ship. I noticed a couple of things ...

1. If you flip through the pix of the incident at the following BBC site, they have a remarkable photo showing one of the rocks that sunk the ship. The rock is still embedded in the hull of the ship.


2. I was very impressed with the Coast Guard divers who are doing the rescue. For some reason I had assumed that they were just swimming around the outer parts of the ship that were underwater - looking for bodies. But these divers are actually swimming along the narrow submerged corridors, and checking every cabin room that is fully (or partially) submerged. That is hazardous ... and pretty gutsy!!!

A hat tip to the Coast Guard divers who are making this heroic effort. WELL DONE !!!

And by the way ... if you look at the 1'st photo shown by the BBC.
That large cruise ship is extremely close to the rocks jutting out into the ocean.
OK ... maybe there is some photo effect from the telescopic lens that shot the picture.
But just the same - it was really bad judgment to be that close to land.
What on Earth were the captain and navigator thinking???


Edited by Pete (01/16/12 09:30 PM)