I too, have tried to refine my EDC over the last year...and have settled on 3 different locations...

key ring...
Fenix E01
brass referee whistle
pill fob (aspirin, immodium, antivert)

cordura multi tool pouch (slightly oversize)..
Leatherman Juice S2 (scissors)
card with 3' duct tape
flat 3 chambered whistle
water pouch (made from food vacuum processor bag)
small ferro rod, petroleum jelly cotton ball in plastic straw
section of hacksaw blade, safety pins, heavy duty needle, 15' mono for cordage

wallet..extra cash and blank check along with credit card
non adherent 2x2 pad
blood stopper 2x2
cloth knuckle bandages
Katadyn ClO2 tabs
(rescue flash mirror when I go out on the Gulf)
4 pack of quarters

Benchmade Aries axis lock folder
Vic executive with good scissors
cell phone

Florida is a right to carry state so when on the street...
Ruger LCP in a Sam Andrews pocket pouch

and in the car in a small JanSport bag shoulder bag...
usually the Glock 34 with extra mag, Israeli compression bandage, Quick Clot, 18" ASP, OC spray, and SureFire with Malkoff 200 lumen upgrade

Edited by LesSnyder (01/14/12 11:39 AM)