Originally Posted By: NightHiker
... From a strictly preparedness & survival standpoint it sounds to me like Mr Barnes just snapped and that nothing was planned out beforehand. The media frequently applies the "survivalist" label simply because it carries an element of sensationalism. ...
My thoughts exactly. No plan -- not much of a survivalist. Media ratings hype.

We may want to step back and realize that while the departed was a killer/murderer, he may also have been a deranged victim with mental issues who just went berserk. PTSD or otherwise, what he did was irrational by any measure. I/we really know nothing of what made this kid tick. Maybe LE has a better idea.

Read Dagny's link. Coffee cup communications smile Low tech works, always have a plan B. I've only seen "Cruisin Coffee" in WA.

OT: 30 Statistics That Show That The Middle Class Is Dying Right In Front Of Our Eyes As We Enter 2012 -- Food for thought.
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??