In another topic, someone posted:

Originally Posted By: ILBob
Why do people decide not to take a leak before leaving home from work? There was a guy a few years ago around here who had to pee so bad he ran into a tree on his way home from work.

This got me thinking: maybe we should be prepared to relieve ourselves if we are stuck in traffic (not able to get out and use the tree) or if there are no rest stops to be found within the next 60 miles. Heck, I remember holding it in as I drove through the whole state of New Jersey. So what solutions do you guys use?

I found a car urinal that promises to turn the output into solid with the use of a powder. Seems like a good idea to prevent spills. ( But other urinals are basically an improved version of your basic bottle. There is a cap to prevent leakage.

Ah, now this brings back memories of a hot girl. I shall keep these memories to myself.