Originally Posted By: GarlyDog
We all have the capacity for great stupidity and bad luck. It's part of the human condition. The thing about stupidity is that it knows no bounds so new ways to be stupid are being formed as we speak.

While being prepared helps, a lot, the random nature of bad luck can still put a lifesaving whistle 1" out of reach even if you carried it 24x7x365 around your neck. Sometimes you just don't win, regardless.

You are so right on this. Take a look at this guy. He shot an elk at dusk, and used a timer to take a picture of it and himself.

Would it have been bad luck or stupidity if the cat got him? Do we all check for mountain lions before a snapshot? Should he have been watching? Even if you looked, would you have seen it in the near-darkness? If you had a gun right there, would you have been able to get off a shot before the teeth sank into your neck?


The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng