As with all foods...your mileage may vary.

In the Great White North we have IMP's (Individual Meal Pack); they're the equivalent of the MRE but packed in a way as to generate more garbage than food. Longest I had to subsist on them was on Aircrew Survival for 3 weeks, but when you're busy and *hungry*, they hit the spot without too much griping. Take the time to heat and season the food to your taste, they'll be about a 7. Eat them cold and as they are, the taste drops to 5.

Certain meals will be liked, and others, like the infamous ham omelet, which could be used to patch a tarp, are practically inedible. But when you're hungry...well...even I "enjoyed" a ham omelet once.

But only once.

And drink plenty of water...that will prevent the constipation that some people experience. (It's either the food, or the reluctance to do as bears do in the woods...)