Tech firm Atos has a plan to ban all internal email. Says most messages are useless and/or spam and that they are akin to "smog" out in the real world. The firm will try to emphasize more use of technologies like chat, video conferencing, and collaborative technologies like wiki's.
I think it's a bold step. How many times have I lamented how much time I seem to devote to just dealing with email (and I don't even get that much). Some tasks are best suited for email, but I'm really curious how this experiment turns out.
Actually, I'm curious about the unintended consequences of this policy. Maybe more staffers will turn to private email accounts or SMS or maybe even social networks, totally bypassing corporate security and privacy measures and potentially opening them up to huge liability. We shall see how this unfolds. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if they try this plan for a while then totally scrap the idea and go back to the way things were before it has really had a chance.
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