to play the devil's advocate, i wouldn't.
only do it if you like and believe in these lights.
my experience with many cheapie lights is they won't work when you need them. in particular the ones that use multiple batteries. ie: a friend bought a dozen of the type holding 3 AAA. after loading them all and having them around for a few weeks, less than a quarter of them still functioned. that's a 75% failure rate. why? our best guess was too many contact points to corrode with all those leds and same for all the battery contacts, plus poorly made switches.
OTOH, consider the number of folks still daily using their high quality Arc or Peak AAA american-made flashlights that they purchased 10 years ago.
for important lights, i find quality more important than quantity.
but i do understand the need for back-ups everywhere, and giveaway cheapies. for that i buy fauxtons (cheap photon copies) a hundred at a time for around 53 cents each in this quantity.
been buying them from these folks for years: