Now I'm very curious if the jet can be changed to run liquid fuel. It gets expensive though, the 25 plus gas burner is already about same cost as omnifuel, then you gotta add the pump and jets and it's $200+. Probably easier to fabricate a similar windshield system for the latter.
Yeah it can get pricey. I tend to watch and wait on stove items. You never know when something might come along.
I bought my Omnifuel used for less than $100. It was in wonderful condition.
I bought my Trangia 27 used also. I don't remember what I paid for it, but it wasn't much. The lid, pot gripper, strap, and burner were missing. I had to buy a burner (less than $20), but a friend had a spare lid, and I was able to piece the other things together from what I had on hand.
With my Trangia 27, I can probably just take the legs off my Omnifuel and rig up something to hold the burner in place inside the windscreen. No need for me to buy the Trangia gas burner since I have a full Omnifuel.
For someone who already has a Trangia gas burner, they just need to buy a fuel pump that has a 7/16" UNEF threaded connector. No need to buy the whole stove. The pump from a Brunton Vapor All Fuel is one. The pump from an Omnifuel is another. There are also some cheap Chinese fuel pumps available on eBay. I wouldn't trust my life to the Chinese ones though.

Of course you'll need a fuel bottle, but any fuel bottle with compatible threads will do: Sigg, Primus, Optimus, MSR, and Snow Peak all have the same threads. Pick one up for cheap at a garage sale.
If you don't have an Omnifuel or a Trangia Gas burner, the burner from an Optimus 111C or 111T will work great. You could also use the burner from an Optimus Nova or an MSR XGK/XGK II. I'm not sure the XGK-EX could be used. I'm sure there are other burners that could be used.
Anyway, all that to say, there are ways to piece together the parts depending on what you have on hand/what is available to you that won't break the bank. The end result? Perhaps the ultimate cold weather/extreme conditions stove. For someone who does snowmobiling, back country skiing, winter mountaineering, is on rural roads in a cold climate, etc, it might be a
really nice stove to have.