I took this kit along on a hike with my Beaver Scouts tonight. Not bad in terms of weight and comfort of carry. Added to my original list was is a bright yellow fleece vest for a little extra warmth (Temps dropped fast tonight) and a small pack of chem lights (marketed for kids so come in multiple colours and are about half the length of regular chem lights) and a red flashing light (designed for cyclists).

Other contents are:
-compass, map of route (filed with group and all parents) including local emerg numbers
-FAK with extra triangular, extra mylar sleeping bag and emerg info and contact info for all group members
-2 LED headlamps + 1 set extra batteries (kept in insert that fits in the 3XAAA flashlight I carry on my batbelt)
-wool mitts,socks and hat (brown beaver for warmth and entertainment)
-extra kids hat, mitts and socks
-extra group necker (big Scouting bandana - green and white thing)
-blaze orange rain jacket (in green stuff sack)
-1Lg red garbage bag
-2 pairs chem warmers
-1L water bottle
-army canteen and cup
- 2 sesame bars
-3 pieces fruit leather
-fire kit with bic, fire steel and tinder and strike anywhere matches (kept in "survival whistle" with some QuickTinder)
-Leatherman Folder
-modified Ritter AMK PSK with SAK, keyring flashlight, mag block and mini bic
-some feminine hygiene stuff and half roll of tubeless toilet paper in ziplock bag
-personal otc meds
-hard case for prescription glasses

On body was:
-Photon II around neck
-lanyard with whistle, led, gerber mini multi-tool
-Leatherman with fire steel and AAA mag lite in sheath
-3XAAA flashlight (Nova LED with multiple settings)
-blaze orange thinsulate hat
-clothing for worst case (layers, insulated rubber boots, gloves, etc.)

NEXT TIME: I need more tp or kleenex for runny noses.

Edited by bacpacjac (11/11/11 02:16 AM)
Edit Reason: Notes for next time
Mom & Adventurer

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