Originally Posted By: NightHiker
I'd probably add a wool scarf but otherwise it looks pretty thorough to me. The Scout necker is a decent subsitute but a woolen scarf provides alot more warmth especially if you're in a wet environment (I'm guessing your neckers, like ours, are made of cotton). The USGI version is a tube style scarf (open at both ends) and is really versatile - can be worn like a toque or a gaiter, used as a hand muff, etc.

Are the 1L water bottle and the canteen both filled with water? If they are it might be an opportunity to cut out an item - I suppose it also depends on how much water you go through. It's never a bad idea to have a little extra when you're herding kids. Filling one with a warm sugary beverage (like Tang) is one option.

The nice thing about "urban" hikes is that overpacking doesnt carry the same consequences as it does on longer, more rigorous wilderness trips.

Right on all counts NightHiker. Our neckers are cotton. Wool is much better for warmth so I do add one like the USGI version once the sub-zero weather arrives. (We've hit those temps already this year, very briefly, and are currently but in low double digits during the day and singles at night.)

I keep both bottles full - one for myself and another for those that invariably forget (and for emergencies). It's the heaviest part of the kit but, like you say, this pack is for short hauls so it doesn't really become an issue.
Mom & Adventurer

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