Originally Posted By: JeanetteIsabelle
I wouldn't even keep expired caned goods. Do you really want to risk your health over a can of corn?

What exactly does that date on the can mean?

As shoppers, we see so many dates on things in the supermarket that are probably not what we think they mean. "Best by", "best used by", "sell by", "consume by", "expiration date", or the lone date, with no real explanation. They all have different meanings, many of which are not intended to be used by consumers at all.

Canned food will remain edible way, way past the date on the can. As long as the can is not damaged, nothing is going to grow inside. You won't get food poisoning from it. The primary problem with old canned goods is that the nutritional content (like vitamins) is dimishing over time, and the palatability (color, texture, consistency, etc.) of the food will change with time. That's all.