Alaska is a very big place, with a complicated topography. We sometimes joke that we could divide the state in half, and then Texas would be the third largest state. (It is true!)
It sounds like the Bering Sea coast has been badly hammered. It is tough living out there, even in normal conditions. Besides the lack of sea ice protecting the coast, the permafrost has been thawing somewhat in recent years, making some coastal areas more subject to erosion in these big storms. My wife talked to a friend who lives out in one of the coastal villages, her area was doing OK, but others are not.
On the other hand, here in Anchorage we have had a good early season snow. Only a few blocks from my house, I have access to an excellent municipal trai system. It hasn't been groomed yet, but last night after work I cross country skied a bit over 5 miles (2 1/2 out and back). My dog went with me, and she loved it too.
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz