Originally Posted By: Blast
This part really caught my eye...Having a designated spotter and a messenger makes a lot of sense. I never would have thought of that.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Definitely shows that specific kinds of training helps because that's certainly not the kind of tactical mindset that I think I would have coming across a scene like that, but with a shooter still out there, that's what was required.

I think most gunshot victims are lucky if any bystanders have basic first aid, but that was only a one-on-one thing in first aid class. Under extreme stress, your typical person probably has tunnel vision and might just starting treating the first person they come across and essentially ignore a roomfull of other victims.

So, Childers et al went beyond just first aid, but probably into triage to quickly assess everyone before concentrating on the most urgent ones first, into securing the scene by checking for more shooters, then setting up the lookout, moving the ambulatory to safety, into delegating tasks--very impressive indeed. Heroes all around, in my book.