Lesson #1 Not all Grocery stores have generators.
Ditto that for gas stations.
Our lights are out until "as late as Friday" (as in the 4th) - they went out at 1:43 PM Saturday. I have a stash of gas - I used to keep 25 gallons, that dropped to 15 for a while, I'm settling on on a rotating stock of 20 gallons.
Gas station lines were pretty epic at the one place where the lights are on. No gas cans to be had at the stores either. Saw entirely too many people putting gasoline into yellow Diesel or blue Kerosene containers.
They also ran out of coffee cups and people were
yelling at the staff because of it (it's one of those mini-mart places).
We had some extra kids on an unexpected sleepover because of the storm's impact and subsequent road closures from wires and rees down. While the trees were snapping and breaking all over the place (I suffered huge losses on my ornamentals as well as my other trees) we enjoyed watching a "Mr. Bean" movie and munching on popcorn.
Plenty of water, plenty of butane for the portable stove. Warm fire in the fireplace and 4 cords of nicely split hickory & maple.
Only downside is the generator is both noisy and can't power all of the electric appliances (hot water, electric stove, oven & dryer) at once. Not 100% sure if I care, maybe about the oven, maybe not.
Anyway, I hate to be so darn smug, but THIS IS WHY WE PREPARE.