I just bought a few keychain lights for carry and obtained a dollar store keychain light, Energizer trailfinder, and a simple flat rayovac one.
I have had my eyes on the energizer light for a long time. Its big for a keychain light but a full metal body with a nice smooth round organic shape.
The rayovac Had a decent beam and brightness with expected halo and artifact issues as there is no reflector. Tho overall it is a useable and not to ugly to the eyes.
The dollar store light had a clean evenly dispersed beam of light tho dull.
The energizer how ever...dear god...
here it is about three feet from the wall
Not to bad right? alittle yellow around the edges but alota lights have that....K here it is up close against the wall.
My god what in the world just happened?! As Ugly as it is to look at up close it is just as bad at distances farther then 3 feet. Outside when finding my "trail" down the driveway the oval light with a ugly strange purple hotspot in the middle the size of a racket ball at say 6 feet ahead on the ground was sickening....Whats worse? the sickening dark yellow ring around it...even worse you want?! The useless artifact riddled oval halo of soft purple light around that..My God more? ANOTHER sickening dark yellow ring around THAT...How can it get any worse you say!?!? that strange shapeless outer halo that looks like the ring around a eyes pupil, yeah it doesn't look any better lighting up your peripherals.
While the energizer was the brightest it was only the brightest in a small near useless hotspot. The "flood" outer halo is so dull and heavy in artifacts it nearly distorts the ground your looking at, No joke.
This would not be such a big deal with me if I had not had such high expectations for a solid metal body 5$ keychain light. But when it is outdone By a 2$ plastic rayovac that feels like you can snap it in half its just annoyingly anger inducing.