Lets add to this convo.
Kerosene Heaters or Propane?
Candles or Oil Lamps or Propane Lamps or Electronic Lamps?
Books or handheld video games?
A grocery store blackout during a snowstorm is a great scenarion for considering what to EDC on you. I ALWAYS have a light on my person, for example. (A photon around my neck.) It's convenient for unexpected darkness somewhere unfamiliar.
Our house gets chilly fast during a power outage, so the basement becomes HQ. It's the warmest room in the house (underground) and most of our dedicated emergency supplies are stored there, including blankets, sweaters. (No washroom, just a wash tub and faucet, so that requires a trip upstairs.) Lighting is an issue down there too, so we've have a combination of candles, candle lanterns, oil lamps and battery-powered lighting.
Though we have books AND handheld devices, I suspect the electronics would win until the batteries ran out. We've also stocked a art supply kit and have several activity books, puzzles, lego and board games down there for the kiddo.